2011年7月15日 星期五

iPhone fisheye lens and macro lens photos | News | PhotoRadar

iPhone with fisheye lens

iPhone fisheye and macro lens gallery

  • The fisheye lens does the most impressive job, and could provide lots of opportunities for creative types

  • Or it could just be used as a way to take a fun photo that encompasses your entire office...

  • The macro lens is less impressive, not really adding much that the lens can't do by itself

  • Here's another macro photo with the lens, where you can see darkened corners creeping into the frame

  • But as you can see, the standard lens does an alright job with macro work by itself

  • The iPhone with the fisheye lens attached

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The camera aboard the iPhone is probably the most widely used camera in the world at the moment. So it's no surprise that photographers want to expand their possibilities by adding accessories. We've been testing a couple of add-on lenses for the iPhone and are fairly impressed with the results.

Obviously, there's no 'mount' for your iPhone. Instead, a glued washer sticks to the back of the iPhone around the camera lens. The lenses are then held on to the washer by magnets.

Far and away the most impressive, and most fun, is the fisheye lens. As you can see from the images, the lens successfully converted the camera into a wide-angle shooter and we can imagine all kinds of creative types will love this.

On the downside, the macro lens doesn't really seem to add much over the standard lens, and the washer and lens assembly does have a tendency to move around slip off if you're not careful.

Have you pimped your iPhone's camera? Let us know in the comments box below...

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fisheye lens
Lens for iphone offers instant attachable SLR lenses for Apple iPhone and iPad2 cameras.

We offer SLR lenses like fisheye, wide/macro and telephoto lenses that makes any ordinary picture or video much more fun and interesting. Your iPhone photography or video will never be the same.

