2012年3月3日 星期六

iPhone photo app all your artsy photo

hipstamatic color services photo lab

Pictured: Color Services' lobby. Image: Synthetic

You’re likely familiar with Hipstamatic. It is the $2 iPhone photo app all your artsy photog friends were on before Instagram rose to fame. And while both apps provide filters to add artistic flair to your otherwise ho-hum smartphone photos, Hipstamatic attempts to be more analog about it — which, of course, is quite the anachronism in today’s digital age.

Hipstamatic, which launched in December 2009, deconstructs the photo experience so your iPhone feels more like your parents’ camera. With a variety of digital lenses, films and flashes, you can experiment with different styles and learn about the effects each element adds. And like your parents’ camera, the photos you take are meant to be developed.

But it’s not as simple as going to your local CVS. Lucas Buick and Ryan Dorshorst, co-founders of Synthetic, Hipstamatic’s parent company, realized most photo labs couldn’t accurately reproduce prints taken with the app, in particular matching color and saturation while handling high volume. After some searching, they arrived at Santa Barbara-based Color Services, which conveniently enough had a staff of Hipstamatic fans.

To reproduce that signature retro Hipstamatic look, the two companies worked together to create a custom printing process in June 2010, a system that includes developing on archival paper. Synthetic created a backend system to help the lab collect photos from users’ smartphones, a move that allows Color Services to scale alongside the app’s user base. As Hipstamatic launches new paks — paid and free in-app add-ons which can include a combination of lenses, films and flashes —  the backend system ensures Color Services can continue reproducing colors with accuracy.

Below is a peek of the lab, (taken with Hipstamatic, of course).

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hipstamatic color services photo lab

Image: Synthetic

hipstamatic color services photo lab

Image: Synthetic

hipstamatic color services photo lab

Image: Synthetic

hipstamatic color services photo lab

Image: Synthetic

hipstamatic color services photo lab

Image: Synthetic

hipstamatic color services photo lab

Image: Synthetic

Phone photo app all your artsy photo.. http://www.lensforiphone.com

